Generation Global Content Rules

These Content Rules apply to all written and verbal contributions made on the Generation Global website or app.

Contributions must:

  • Be accurate (where they state facts)
  • Be genuinely held (where they state opinions)
  • Be relevant

Contributions must not:

  • Be defamatory (statements that are not true and damage a person’s reputation)
  • Be abusive, obscene, offensive, hateful or intolerant
  • Bully, insult, intimidate or humiliate
  • Harass, offend, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person or be likely to do so
  • Promote or endorse discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age
  • Contain sexually explicit material or pornographic images
  • Contain material that facilitates or promotes the exploitation or abuse of children or endangers children
  • Contain material that promotes predatory behaviour, such as inappropriate interaction targeted at a child, sexual exploitation, grooming, sextortion, sexualisation or sexual abuse or trafficking of children
  • Promote or endorse violence or coercive or controlling behaviour
  • Instigate, encourage, threaten or incite any act of terrorism or preparation for any act of terrorism
  • Promote or endorse suicide or self-harm
  • Encourage or endorse behaviour that is prejudicial to health or personal safety, such as smoking, vaping, alcohol consumption, use of drugs or psychoactive substances
  • Breach or undermine anyone’s right to privacy
  • Disclose your personal details or anyone else’s
  • Infringe any copyright or other intellectual property rights belonging to any person
  • Be in contempt of court (anything that could affect the outcome of a court case)
  • Break the law or encourage or incite anyone else to break the law
  • Impersonate anyone or use a fake identity
  • Give the impression that the contribution comes from someone else
  • Contain any advertising or promote any goods or services or weblinks to other sites
  • Try to influence or pressurize people to do something they would not otherwise do
  • Encourage or incite anyone to break these Content Rules, including by having links that take users to material that breaches any of the above rules
  • Damage our reputation